18/02/04 Home Recognition
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18-02-2004, ATHENS, GREECE
Articles on the first page:
2- Official complaint made to Gianna [Angelopoulos] by an American company.
3- A high-ranking executive of “Athens 2004”, formed a duet with an international con-man, and proposed to us to create a company in order to undertake together the security of the Athens Olympic Games.
4- Smashing revelation with all the details.
5- U.S. national security services have also been informed.
6- Henceforth, possible targets of international terrorism become known.
7- They deceived us and let us down too.
8- Why did Greece undertake the Olympic Games?
Certainly in order to gain international renown and in no case to be exposed.
The sports newspaper “FILATHLOS” brings today to surface a case which can irreparably expose Greece, apart from the questions and the suspicions it generates.
In particularly, an American high technology corporation declared on February 9th, 2004, to Gianna Angelopoulos, that it fell victim of fraud from two men.
From George Yerolimpos, director of the office of “Athens 2004” Managing Director John Spanoudakis, and a certain Reinhardt Grundmann, who, according to the Americans as they later investigated his identity, is a well-known international fraud burdened with a number of financial crimes.
The American company claims that after two years of contacts with officers of “Athens 2004” with the aim of undertaking the work of security, it ended up negotiating with Mr. Yerolimpos.
He [Yerolimpos] suggested that a company, subsidiary of the American company, should be established, with an equity share of 20% for Yerolimpos and Grundmann.
Finally, always according to the American company (which is owned by a Greek-American), the work did not progress because the two partners, Yerolimpos and Grundmann, let him down.
This story is not a usual «innocent» kick-back story, given that the assigning of works for the 2004 Olympic Games are innumerable.
This happened, always according to the American company, because Yerolimpos had informed the company about the secret «special» points, which are offered for the applications of wireless communication, concealed cameras and sensors of security.
We are in front of an ABSOLUTE EXPOSING of the national security of the Olympic Games, which interests not only Greece, but also the U.S. national security services, which the Greek-American businessman has already informed.
What other is hidden in this story?
And up to where can this Greek-American go, who claims that he has been cheated from a duet: the High-ranking Executive of the 2004 and a well-known fraud?
A REVEALING reportage and statements by George Yerolimpos in p. 5.
Nikos Karagiannidis also writes relatively in his column.
9- EVERY DAY by Nikos Karagiannidis
Is there a Mata Hari next to Gianna [Angelopoulos]?
If a firecracker explodes in the Press Center of the Olympic Games then everything will explode in the air.
And everybody will talk about a genuine destruction.
The ENORMOUS FAILURE of the Olympic Games will be the result, if specifically in the Master Media Centre something unexpected, something insignificant takes place, which has nothing to do with the colossal things that the American factor is afraid of ...
The danger of the international terrorism is more than visible, and in particular of the “big-players” of the Al Kaida, so it is expected that the 2004 Olympic Games will take place under the umbrella of NATO.
It becomes perceptible how strictly serious the subject of SECURITY for the organisation of the Olympic Games becomes, especially when it is a given fact, that never previously in the human history have been received such security measures and measures of control as those which are about to be taken after five months in the Greek capital....
The revelation of today’s «FILATHLOS» sports newspaper according to a complaint of a U.S. businessman, who was interested in collaborating with “Athens 2004” in the big and sensitive task of security, has another dimension....
More or less, the businessman in question with his extrajudicial document to Gianna Angelopoulos claims that the «blueprints» for the installations of the Olympic Games were delivered to him from a High-ranking Executive of “Athens 2004”....
Just as there exist blueprints in the Stock Market, the “heavy” shares, there also exist the blueprints for the Olympic Games, meaning those points which are most suitable and ideal for hi-tech applications of the electronic network of security.
The chairman of the American hi-tech company claims that in view of a lawful (?) cooperation with officers of “Athens 2004”, the blueprints were given to him by a High Executive of “Athens 2004”.
Of course, everything exists with proofs in the revealing reportage of page 5.
If all these that the American businessman reports are true, then this man has in his hands the LIKELY TARGETS, either in the games areas or elsewhere, that Osama Bin Laden is interested in.
And among these targets is also the navel of the Games, the Press Centre.
It is noted that in “Athens 2004” meetings are daily taking place on the subject of the Games’ security with the attendance of high-ranking officers of the army, the navy, the port-police, the fire-brigade etc....
And Yerolimpos comes as Mata Hari, always according to the complaint from USA, and delivers the «secrets», because «he was playing» with the particular big shareholder of the American company....
What was the «game», always accordingly to the charge of the American businessman?
Yerolimpos proposed that a subsidiary company, which was about «to step in» in order to secure the assigning of the work to the American company, should be established....
Yerolimpos with someone else, who - as the American found out - was a multinational fraud with prison-terms in his criminal record, would possess 10% each in the subsidiary company to-be-established ....
Yerolimpos and Grundmann (who is an international fraud according to the Americans) would pay for the 10% of the equity of the subsidiary company the amount of 5,401,719 Euros each!!!
Finally, Yerolimpos and Grundmann did not pay, the security job did not proceed any further, and the American, due to the deception, reached the U.S. national security services, according to his reports to the chairman of “Athens 2004” Gianna Angelopoulos.
18-02-2004, ATHENS, GREECE
Articles on the the fifth page:
10- With a well-known international fraud...
«FILATHLOS» reveals today a subject that because of the fact that it is about the SECURITY of the Olympic Games of Athens is imposed URGENTLY to occupy not only the “Athens 2004” but also the Greek government and especially the national intelligent service...
Before we expose details about the particular subject, we should note, that because of its gravity and the sensitivity that characterizes it, it engages dimensions of NATIONAL SCANDAL, if the particular charges of the American company to Gianna Angelopoulos are valid...
Mr. Pano Kroko of Dimitrios is chairman and managing director of the SEATTLE WIRELESS INC. company, which in the following reportage for reasons of brevity will be reported as «SWI».
The company in question, SWI, resides in address P.O. BOX 75418, SEATTLE WASHINGTON, 98125-0418, USA and it is legally represented by Pano Kroko, who with his extrajudicial document to Gianna Angelopoulos reports unbelievable things for which each Greek citizen is supposed to shudder ...
«FILATHLOS» after stressing one more time the gravity of this subject, avoids adopting the charges from America and of course it avoids to opposite condemns to each defendant in front of the “Athens 2004” and the Greek people, due to its journalistic deontology.
However, this is what Pano Kroko written claims in front of all courts and authorities ….
… in the offices of the “Athens 2004” for two years long, 2001 and 2002, my company presented its products and its program for wireless communications of security, wireless cameras and sensors of security with the aim that they are going to be used by the services of security in the Olympic Games of the 2004.
The products of SWI were presented to Mr. George Yerolimpos, special adviser of the “Athens 2004” organisational committee and director of the office of “Athens 2004” Managing Director John Spanoudakis.
This presentation of SWI and the negotiations in the offices of “Athens 2004” became in front of a lot of executives of ATHENS 2004, who are in charge of this matter, in order the American company undertakes the task of security for the Olympic Games.
Yerolimpos proposed to me that the discussions of the SWI Company with “Athens 2004” should take place with a mediator whom, he (Yerolimpos) represented...
Yerolimpos explained to me, that the SWI will take the work from “Athens 2004”, only if someone Reinhard Grundmann and the INDOAKZIS Company intervene…
Then, according to Pano Kroko, Grundmann and Yerolimpos asked from the American to establish in Europe a company subsidiary of SWI in which they would participate as investors with 10% each.
Indeed, I did all the essential actions for the constitution, with headquarters at London, of the subsidiary EUROPE WIRELESS LTD., which will be reported in the following reportage as «EWL».
On January 3rd, 2003, SEATTLE WIRELESS INC. (SWI) gave a command to Reinhard Grundmann to advance in the EUROPE WIRELESS LTD (EWL) company. My associates, Grundmann and Yerolimpos, asked from me to give them every available and in detail datum of know-how with the purpose to deliver it directly to “Athens 2004”.
So, I delivered in person to Yerolimpos an analytic description of the technological solutions, and all these constitute intellectual property of the SWI in specialised technologies, which concern on the security of the Olympic Games.
The project of SWI was CONFIDENTIALLY delivered by me, after Yerolimpos’ prompt, to SIEMENS company, a cooperating company of the SAIC group in Greece, and personally to the director of Business Systems and Services Mr. Dionissis Dendrinos.
... In order to facilitate me, so that it has plenitude and effectiveness the supply of SWI’s know-how, Yerolimpos delivered to me the blueprints, that is, the analytic plans of the various Olympic installations.
The SWI studied the blueprints, which are the vital «points», in which the applications of electronic observation would be put in to effect, so that each danger of any terrorist energy in the Olympic installations would be prevented.
From the first moment I had clarified to all the executives of ATHENS 2004 regarding to the security of the Olympic Games and of course to Yerolimpos that the SWI aims at contracting with ATHENS 2004 for the entrusting and the implementation of the work that concerned the security of the Olympic Games.
The SWI made a control in order to confirm the identity of the INDOAKZIS Company as also of its representative Reinhart Grundmann.
We realised that Grundmann in question, whom Yerolimpos had recommended to us, had a havy penal registration as guilty of economic crimes in various countries of Europe.
And still Grundmann in question had served sentences of imprisonment for various penal condemnations and had been repeatedly accused for rinsing of money in Africa, Saudi Arabia and Cyprus.
These results, after the control of the SWI, were verified by the services of national security of the USA.
For this subject the «FILATHLOS» will come back tomorrow.
11- Sometime I had saved him in the sea
Mr. George Yerolimpos is today, as Pano Kroko claims, the director of the office of “Athens 2004” Managing Director John Spanoudakis.
«FILATHLOS» and concretely Nikos Karagiannidis asked from Yerolimpos his own explanations for everything that, at the expense of him, Pano Kroko, the representative of the American SEATTLE WIRELESS INC. company, reports.
«Everything is a joke... All of them are lies... The “Athens 2004” is aware of all of them and it covers me absolutely... I will sue and lodge complaint against Mr. Pano Kroko …»
«FILATHLOS»: What is the reaction of the “Athens 2004”?
YEROLIMPOS: There is not any concern. “Athens 2004” will sent an extrajudicial answer to Pano Kroko…
«FILATHLOS»: Do you personally know Pano Kroko?
YEROLIMPOS: I know him... I knew him... sometime in the past; I had saved him in the sea with his ship...
«FILATHLOS»: And all that he reports about your collaboration and your cooperation for a certain recommended company that would intervene to take the work of security for “Athens 2004”?
YEROLIMPOS: My contact with him was only about the Internet… for an enterprise of wireless communication, completely foreigner and irrelevant with the “Athens 2004”.
«FILATHLOS»: Why he is accusing you to the “Athens 2004” and to the chairman Mrs. Gianna Angelopoulos?
YEROLIMPOS: I do not exclude the possibility that he is set up from somebody... Or that he seeks compensation from the “Athens 2004” and mixes also me...
«FILATHLOS»: Do you know Mr. Grundmann?
YEROLIMPOS: I know him... I didn’t know, however, what burdens him according to the accusations of Pano Kroko …
«FILATHLOS»: These things don’t sound right. Greece is in danger of being exposed if these, which Pano Kroko reports, be confirmed…
YEROLIMPOS: They are lies and baseless accusations... How could I, as an executive of the “Athens 2004”, provide to a company the work of security for the competitions, for which “Athens 2004” is not responsible, but the ministry of public order?
12- And also a party executive, George Yerolimpos.
George Yerolimpos, former chairman of karate federation and today’s general secretary of the international federation is almost a daily visitor of Rigjllis, because he starts as a party executive in the Sector of Sports of New Democracy (ND).
The personal relations that George Yerolimpos, director of the office of “Athens 2004” Managing Director John Spanoudakis, maintains with concretely high standing persons of ND are well-known.
18/02/04 Home Recognition